A Peek Into My Writer's Journey and Upcoming Surprises!

I hope this post finds you well! I am thrilled to share a little update on my writing journey with you.

Before I get into the writing, the image is the creative rendition of my imaginary Mirror Estate, by the talented Tia of Author Talks - Books 4 Movies

The first book, Living Secrets, in the Mirror Estate series is now in the meticulous hands of the copy/line editor. I am encouraged by the positive responses from the early readers and can't wait for you to dive into the world I've created. We are right on schedule and looking at a publication date in early December.

And here's more good news - the book will be available for pre-order by the end of this month. So, mark your calendars and get ready to be part of this adventure!

But that's not all. While Living Secrets is being polished and perfected, I have embarked on the journey of writing the first draft of the second book in the series. With a planned release date in March 2024, I am immersed in the thrilling process of weaving together new twists and turns. Pre-orders for this one should be up later this year - so stay tuned!

For those of you who have already read the prequel (ebook version) and can't wait to unravel more mysteries, I've got a surprise. There's a FREE bonus extended epilogue available exclusively on my website. Those of you who bought the print version already have the bonus included.

But wait, there's more! For lovers of character development and backstory, there's a collection of short stories on my website that delves into the backstories of a few characters. This collection is also free to download, adding a bit more depth and color to the world of Mirror Estate.

Summer is knocking on the door, and with it comes the promise of relaxation and rejuvenation. We'll be taking a weekend trip to a beautiful lake house in a couple of weeks. I am hoping the serene environment will stoke the creative fires and result in more exciting ideas and plots for my stories.

That's it from my end, for now, dear friends. Keep reading, stay safe, and take care!

Stay tuned for more updates, and until then, happy reading!


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